
Yarmouth is engaged in building a resilient community that strives to reduce our contribution of polluting emissions while supporting a safe, healthy, and thriving community and environment. In 2022, the Town adopted bold goals to reach net zero emissions for Town operations and the wider community (by 2030 and 2050, respectively).

Climate Action Plan
Throughout 2023, the Town worked with the Yarmouth Climate Action Task Force resident committee and the Greater Portland Council of Governments to create our town's first Climate Action Plan. In March of 2024, the Town Council unanimously adopted the Climate Action Plan. Through this planning effort, we analyzed our community's vulnerability to climate impacts and our greenhouse gas emissions. Guided by this data and input from our community, our Climate Action Plan is an actionable roadmap to achieve our goals.

Executive Summary
Final Plan
Vulnerability Assessment
Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Visit to learn more about the Plan and get resources to take action.

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